
Posts Tagged ‘Logging’

SLF Hands-on Tutorial, Part 1

December 2nd, 2009


This is an introductory tutorial on SLF, the Simple Logging Façade. This tutorial covers the basics, which will be all you’ll ever need in most projects. I’m planning on writing a second tutorial that will show custom factories and resolvers soon.

Downloading SLF

To get started, visit and download the latest release. Source code is available as a Visual Studio 2008 solution, but if you’re working with VS2005, there’s also precompiled binaries for .NET 2.0 available (.NET 1.0 or 1.1 is not supported).

Sample Projects

SLF comes with a lot of samples, all organized as independent projects that discuss a specific use case. As you will see, most scenarios only require a few lines of code. We are planning to extend this section over time, based on your feedback.




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Author: Categories: SLF Tags: ,

An Introduction to SLF, the Simple Logging Façade

December 2nd, 2009


Release days are good days – Colin Eberhardt and I are very happy to announce SLF 1.0!

SLF is a framework with a simple but ambitious mission: To provide every developer with the means to easily plug in logging functionality into her application. As such, it aims at two fundamental goals:

  1. Simplicity: SLF allows you to plug in solid logging functionality into your application with literally one line of code, while providing you with an upgrade path to complex logging scenarios at any time.
  2. Flexibility: SLF provides you with a common interface that decouples the logging framework of your choice (e.g. log4net or NLog)  from your code. This eliminates dependencies on a given framework, thus allowing you to switch (or even combine!) frameworks at any time. Furthermore, SLF’s modular architecture allows you to plug-in custom logging strategies very easily.

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Author: Categories: C#, Open Source, SLF Tags: ,

A Façade for Simple and Framework-Independent Logging in .NET

April 23rd, 2009

Logging is an important aspect, but I don’t like to have dependencies on a specific logging framework all over the place. This is where a logging façade comes in handy. Basically, a façade just provides you with a common interface that decouples the used logging framework from your code:


//ILogger is the facade. Behind the scenes,
//a framework of your choice is used
ILogger logger = LoggerService.Logger;
logger.Log("hello world");


The idea of a logging façade isn’t exactly new, but I thought I’d share this one with you for a few reasons:

  • It is dead easy to use.
  • It provides quite a few overloads when it comes to logging.
  • The core library has no dependencies on other libraries at all.
  • There are two façades (separate DLLs) that log through the Enterprise Library Logging block or the BitFactory logger. And hopefully more to come!
  • Writing your own façade is as simple as overriding one single method.
  • It’s not part of another project (completely standalone), and there is no license attached to it. Do with it whatever you want.
  • It is dead easy to use.



(click on image to enlarge)


Here’s one way to create a file-based logger (using the BitFactory façade) and make it globally accessible. This only takes you a few lines of code:

//create a new logger instance
string file = @"C:logfile.txt";
ILogger logger = BitFactoryLogger.CreateSingleFileLogger(file);

//use the global LoggerService to store the logger


//this will store the info in the log file
LoggerService.Logger.Log("This is an information");



Logging via ILogger

The whole purpose of this project is to shield your libraries from the actually chosen logging framework. Accordingly, you are always logging through the ILogger instance. ILogger provides quite a few overloads of the Log method, here are a few of them:


public void LogData(ILogger logger)
  logger.Log("An information");
  logger.Log("Something Happened", TraceEventType.Warning);

  //LogItem is the most verbose version
  LogItem item = new LogItem();
  item.Message = "My Message";
  item.EventId = 999;
  item.Priority = 10;

  catch(Exception e)
    logger.Log("Additional message.", e);
    logger.Log("Additional message.", e, TraceEventType.Critical);



Initializing an ILogger Implementation

During the initialization of your application, you will have to specify the the logger implementation that is supposed to be used. This might happen declaratively or directly in code. Here’s the initialization code from NetDrives, which makes a logger available through the AutoFac IOC container.

Note that I’m registering a ConsoleLogger for debug builds, while release builds write into a log file. These are completely different classes, but it doesn’t matter – they both implement the ILogger interface:


//init IOC container builder
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

//register single logger instance
ILogger logger;

#if (DEBUG)
  logger = new ConsoleLogger();
  logger = BitFactoryLogger.CreateSingleFileLogger(AppUtil.LogFile);

//register logger



Registration and Access through LoggerService

I prefer to initialize and access my logger through an IOC container, but you can do it however you like. If you’re lacking a place to make your ILogger globally accessible, you can use the static LoggerService class:



public void InitApp()
  //create a file logger (use BitFactory facade)
  string logFile = @"C:MyLogFile.txt";
  ILogger logger = BitFactoryLogger.CreateSingleFileLogger(logFile);

  //register as globally used logger

private void Foo()
  catch(Exception e)
    //get registered logger and log exception
    ILogger logger = LoggerService.Logger;


A nice thing about LoggerService: It guarantees you always a valid ILogger instance. If no logger is set, it just falls back to a NullLogger implementation that does not create any output at all. Here’s the implementation:


namespace Hardcodet.Util.Logging
  /// <summary>
  /// Provides a global repository for a given <see cref="ILogger"/>
  /// instance. This class ensures that the <see cref="Logger"/>
  /// property is never nullo - in case no logger is defined, it
  /// automatically installs a <see cref="NullLogger"/>
  /// instance.
  /// </summary>
  public static class LoggerService
    private static ILogger logger = new NullLogger();

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the installed <see cref="ILogger"/> implementation.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>This property always returns a valid
    /// logger.</remarks>
    public static ILogger Logger
      get { return logger; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Installs a given logger or resets the <see cref="Logger"/>
    /// to a <see cref="NullLogger"/> instance if the
    /// <paramref name="loggerImplementation"/> is a null
    /// reference.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="loggerImplementation">The logger to be
    /// used globally, or a null reference in order to reset
    /// the service.</param>
    public static void SetLogger(ILogger loggerImplementation)
      logger = loggerImplementation ?? new NullLogger();



Creating a new Logger Façade

In case you want to use another logging framework (e.g. NLog or Log4Net), creating a new façade is very easy. Basically, you create a new project, set a reference to the base library and write a class that either

  • implements ILogger directly
  • or, even simpler, derives from the abstract LoggerBase class.


Feel like sharing your own façade? Just contact me and I’ll happily include your implementation 🙂


As a sample, here’s the code of the ConsoleLogger (part of the core library) and the Enterprise Library façade:


using System;

namespace Hardcodet.Util.Logging
  /// <summary>
  /// A very simple implementation of <see cref="ILogger"/>
  /// that outputs all messages to the system console.
  /// </summary>
  public class ConsoleLogger : LoggerBase
    /// <summary>
    /// Logs a given item to the console.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="item">The item to be logged.</param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="item"/>
    /// is a null reference.</exception>
    public override void Log(LogItem item)
      if (item == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("item");





using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging;

namespace Hardcodet.Util.Logging.EntLibFacade
  /// <summary>
  /// An implementation of the <see cref="ILogger"/>
  /// interface which outputs logged data using
  /// the <see cref="Logger"/> of the MS Enterprise
  /// Library.
  /// </summary>
  public class EnterpriseLibraryLogger : LoggerBase

    /// <summary>
    /// Writes a log entry to the Enterprise Library's
    /// logging block. Output depends on the logging
    /// block's configuration.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="item">An log item which encapsulates
    /// information to be logged.</param>
    public override void Log(LogItem item)
      LogEntry entry = ConvertLogItem(item);
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a <c>LogEntry</c> instance which can be processed
    /// by the Enterprise Library based on a given log item. 
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="item">An log item which encapsulates information
    /// to be logged.</param>
    /// <returns>An Enterprise Library item which corresponds
    /// to the submitted <c>LogItem</c>.</returns>
    private static LogEntry ConvertLogItem(LogItem item)
      //assign properties
      LogEntry entry = new LogEntry();
      entry.Message = item.Message;
      entry.Title = item.Title;
      entry.EventId = item.EventId;
      entry.Priority = item.Priority;
      entry.Severity = item.Severity;
      entry.TimeStamp = item.TimeStamp;

      foreach (string category in item.Categories)
      return entry;



The download contains the core library, two external façades (BitFactory, Enterprise Library), and a sample project. Hope you’ll like it 🙂

Author: Categories: C#, Open Source Tags: